On 17 May 2023, the Commission put forward proposals for the most ambitious and comprehensive reform of the EU Customs Union since its establishment in 1968.
Der Zoll ist an der Umsetzung und Durchsetzung der EU-Rechtsvorschriften zur Ein- und Ausfuhr aus und in Nicht-EU-Länder beteiligt.
In order to stimulate “thinking outside the box” in the EU debate on the future of the Customs Union, the Commission calls on external expertise and establishes a “Wise Persons Group on Challenges Facing the Customs Union” (WPG).
The Customs Union is a foundation of the European Union and an essential element in the functioning of the single market
UCC CCI simplification allows EU companies to centralise and integrate accounting, logistics and distribution at a single point in the EU, bringing many advantages, making them more effective and competitive in the globalised market, regardless of their location.
- EU measures following the Russian invasion of Ukraine
- The Pan-Euro-Mediterranean cumulation and the PEM Convention
- International cooperation in customs matters
- Value Added Tax Cooperation
- Regional & bilateral instruments
- Erweiterung
- Weltzollorganisation
- Rules of origin for goods
- Third countries
- EU legislation implementing international customs provisions
- Großbritannien
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The project, initiated by the European Commission, aims to replace paper-format customs procedures with EU-wide electronic procedures to create a more efficient and modern customs environment.
Laufende, geplante und abgeschlossene Konsultationen
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