Platform for Tax Good Governance - European Commission
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Taxation and Customs Union

Platform for Tax Good Governance

A group assisting the Commission in initiatives to improve tax governance.

Platform for Tax Good Governance

The Platform for Tax Good Governance is a group of experts that assists the Commission in: 

  • developing initiatives to promote good governance in tax matters in third countries, 

  • tackling aggressive tax planning, and 

  • identifying and addressing double taxation. 

On 6 June 2024, the Commission decided to continue the work of the Platform in the form of a new expert group, with revised tasks to reflect on the developments in tax transparency and fair taxation agenda (C(2024)3689). 

Read more over Platform for Tax Good Governance


The Platform consists of tax professionals and expert representatives of businesses and civil society organisations. It enables a structured dialogue and exchange of expertise which can feed into a more coordinated and effective EU approach against tax evasion and avoidance. 

The Platform meets a few times a year and is chaired by the Director-General for Taxation and Customs Union or a representative thereof. 


Members of the Platform are the tax authorities of all EU countries and organisations representing business, civil society and tax practitioners. 

Meetings & documents
