EU Training - European Commission
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Taxation and Customs Union

EU Training

The European Commission offers a range of training and education materials about customs and tax topics. All materials on these pages are available free of charge and many are available in multiple languages. Please note that, for confidentiality or security reasons, the access to some of the material is limited to the staff of national customs and tax administrations.

Visit the Customs and Tax EU Learning Portal to access the learning offers and join a growing community of EU customs and tax professionals training for excellence!

In this section of the website, you will find the following training materials:

Customs and Tax EU Learning Portal

The Customs and Tax EU Learning Portal provided by the European Commission for customs and tax professionals offers training and human competency building materials. It provides over 900 courses in multiple languages, supporting professionals across both public and private sectors. The material is available for download freely, but some courses contain sensitive information, and their use might be limited to the staff of national customs and tax administrations.

Customs and Tax EU Learning Portal

EU Customs Certificate of Recognition

The EU Customs Certificate of Recognition is a prestigious recognition of customs academic programmes. Since 2019, European Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in customs from different EU countries have been awarded certificates of recognition from the European Commission, acknowledging their leading role in raising performance and professionalism in customs. State-of-the-art customs Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes (or modules within) can greatly enhance customs performance across the EU.

EU Customs Certificate of Recognition

CustCompEU and TaxCompEU

The European Commission established two key competency frameworks, CustCompEU and TaxCompEU, to harmonise and raise performance standards in the EU for customs and taxation.

CustCompEU has been developed in collaboration with public and private experts from EU countries, the World Customs Organization (WCO) and other international sources and is available for Customs Administrations (in 22 EU languages) and businesses dealing with customs (in English). CustCompEU sets the optimal set of knowledge, skills, and behaviours required by customs professionals in the EU.


TaxCompEU is a guiding framework and toolset that connects HR processes under a pan-European, tax-specific, competence-based methodology, providing a common language and backbone for national HR practices. Available in 22 EU languages, TaxCompEU has the potential to enhance tax workforce efficiency and quality across the EU.



TAXEDU is a European Union project lead by a group of Member States that empowers young Europeans to understand tax concepts. The portal targets three age groups with tailored information: children, teenagers, and young adults. Information is conveyed through engaging content, including games, e-learning materials, and microlearning clips. In addition, the TAXEDU portal offers a dedicated teachers' corner, providing resources and tips for educators to effectively teach tax concepts.


Customs blueprints 

The customs blueprints are a set of standards that help the EU Commission and EU countries improve customs services by setting measurable targets, enabling the evaluation of operational capacity, and planning of assistance to non-EU countries, particularly enlargement countries and other neighbouring countries. The customs blueprints are available to download for free in English, French, and Russian.

Customs blueprints