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Taxation and Customs Union

Calls for tenders, grants and calls for expression of interest

European legislation requires that tenders for public contracts where the amounts exceed a certain threshold, which varies according to the type of contract, be published in the Official Journal S series, which can be consulted free of charge in the TED database.

Further information on the EU policy on public procurement can be found on the Commission's website

Planned Calls for tenders 2018 (provisional planning)

Title Quarter
Provision of Evaluation and impact assessment-related services 1st
CCN Evolution – Development and evolution of all TAXUD business agnostic platforms 2nd
Provision of 'Intra muros' consultancy services for European Union IT systems and applications in the customs, excise and taxation areas (TIMEA3) 2 nd

Information concerning Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union's past years grants, building contracts or specific contracts made against framework contracts, can be found by consulting the Financial Transparency System.

Current calls for tenders

No currently ongoing calls for tenders.

Closed calls for tenders


For all enquiries on public procurement and grants, please contact taxud-tendersatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (taxud-tenders[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).