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Taxation and Customs Union

Closed Calls for tenders

  • EC-TAXUD/2024/OP/0003 - Economic analysis studies in the area of taxation.
  • TAXUD/2023/OP/0007 - Better regulation and Compliance/Legal Assessment in the fields of customs and taxation.
  • TAXUD/2023/OP/0001  - The provision of effective tax rates and related supporting services (Lot 1 and Lot 2).
  • TAXUD/2023/OP/0005 - Pro-Train: Training support services and Programme management support services (Lot 1 and Lot 2).
  • TAXUD/2023/OP/0006 - VAT gap due to e-commerce fraud.  
  • TAXUD/2021/OP/0001 - Scientific, Technical and Secretarial Assistance in the Field of Scientific Customs (Lot 1 — ECICS, Lot 2 — Sampling)
  • TAXUD/2022/OP/0001 - QA5 - Provision of services to the Commission Directorate-General for DG Taxation and Customs Union in the field of quality assurance, quality control and project management for its current and future IT projects and operations
  • TAXUD/2020/OP/0001 - SOFT-DEV: Development, Maintenance and Support of Customs and Taxation Information Systems.
  • TAXUD/2019/OP0001 - Provision of tax information sources and tax training - Lot 1: Tax information sources – Lot 2: Tax training
  • TAXUD/2019/OP0002 - Provision of expert services supporting multifaceted EU training and staff development in customs and taxation (B-TRAIN4)
  • TAXUD/2019/OP/0003 - Multiple framework contracts with reopening of competition for the provision of Economic Analysis in the area of Taxation
  • TAXUD/2019/OP/0004 - Provision of scientific and technical assistance in the field scientific customs – Lot 1: Update and enrichment of the ECICS database – Lot 2: Coordination of European Customs Laboratories
  • TAXUD/2019/OP/0005 - Single Framework Contract for the provision of Economic Analysis in the area of Taxation
  • TAXUD/2019/OP/0006 - CCN-Evolution: Specification, development, maintenance and 3rd level support of TAXUD IT platforms – Lot A: Evolution services for the CCN/CSI platform – Lot B: Evolution services for the CCN2(ng), SPEED2(ng), CDCO/TSOAP and SSV platforms
  • TAXUD/2018/AO-01 – Multiple framework contracts for the provision of evaluation and impact-assessment related services
  • TAXUD/2018/AO-03 – Intra-Muros and Proximity Quoted Time and Means consultancy services for European Union IT systems and applications in the customs, excise and taxation areas (TIMEA3)
  • TAXUD/2017/AO-07 - Cascading framework contracts for the provision of tax and customs information services
  • TAXUD/2017/AO-04 - Provision of scientific and technical assistance in the field of scientific customs
  • TAXUD/2017/AO-02 - Provision of effective tax rates and related supporting services
  • TAXUD/2017/AO-01- Provision of services for quality assurance, quality control and project management of IT activities managed by or on behalf of DG Taxation and Customs Union (QA4)
  • TAXUD/2016/AO-05 - Provision of a study on the review of the VAT special scheme for travel agents and options for reform
  • TAXUD/2016/AO-02 - IT service management for IT systems integration of the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union ('ITSM3 Integration')
  • TAXUD/2016/AO-01- IT service management for trans-European IT systems of the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union ('ITSM3 Trans-European')
  • TAXUD/2015/AO-04 - Scientific, technical and secretarial assistance in the field of scientific customs – coordination of European Customs Laboratories
  • TAXUD/2015/AO-03 - Provision of IT Service Management for IT systems & Infrastructure operation (ITSM3 Operations)
  • TAXUD/2015/AO-02 - Scientific and technical assistance in the field of scientific customs
  • TAXUD/2015/AO-01 - provision of services covering multifaceted EU training support programmes, eLearning development and communication services in the field of customs and taxation (B-TRAIN 3)
  • TAXUD/2014/AO-06 - Provision of evaluation and impact assessment-related services
  • TAXUD/2014/AO-04 - Provision of tax and customs information services
  • TAXUD/2014/AO-02 - Provision of tax information sources and tax training
  • TAXUD/2014/AO-01 Provision of economic analysis in the area of taxation
  • TAXUD/2013/AO-03 (TIMEA2) - 'Intra muros' consultancy services for European Union IT systems and applications in the customs, excise and taxation areas
  • TAXUD/2013/AO-01 (CUST-DEV3) - Specification, development, maintenance and support of customs IT systems
  • TAXUD/2012/AO-13 (Effective Tax Rates) - Provision of effective tax rates in the context of an enlarged European Union and related supporting services
  • TAXUD/2012/AO-06 (QA3) - Provision of Services for Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Project Management of IT Activities managed by DG TAXUD
  • TAXUD/2012/AO-03 (FITSDEV3) - Provision of services to cover specification, development, maintenance and support of trans-European IT services in the areas of taxation and excise
  • TAXUD/2011/AO-13 (CCN2DEV) - Provision of services to cover the specification, development, maintenance and third level support of CCN/CSI and CCN2
  • Older procedures