Customs cooperate - European Commission
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Taxation and Customs Union

Customs cooperate

The EU has signed more than 50 international agreements providing for customs cooperation and mutual administrative assistance with 80 countries outside the EU to support controls and enforcement and to simplify and harmonise customs procedures.

Wider international cooperation is crucial in protecting the interests of EU citizens and business worldwide. The EU has signed more than 50 international agreements providing for customs cooperation and mutual administrative assistance with 80 countries outside the EU to support controls and enforcement and to simplify and harmonise customs procedures, which in turn reduces the administrative burden and costs for European companies.

Technical assistance

The mutual exchange of knowledge and experience with non-EU customs administrations helps to increase their quality of service.

The technical assistance covered training, capacity building, sniffer dog training, etc.

Man days pie chart 2023
Man days legend 2023

EU customs officials mainly provided training and other capacity building activities to other non-EU European countries, while Asian countries were also among the significant beneficiaries.

Source: CUP Network


Customs Union depends on close cooperation and common work. Please find hereunder the links to the national Customs Authorities websites

National Customs Administrations