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Taxation and Customs Union

Transparency Portal

In an effort to increase transparency, the European Commission publishes documents and meeting reports from the different Comitology Committees and Expert Group meetings related to Taxation and Customs.

  1. Documents from Comitology Committees

Documents from Comitology Committees are accessible through the Comitology register. You can search for documents per Committee, per dossier, per document number or per service responsible.

  1. Documents from Expert Group meetings

Documents from Expert Group meetings can be accessed through the Register for Commission Expert Groups and other similar entities. The "advanced search" function allows you to search by service responsible, Expert Group name, abbreviation or code. After selecting a specific group, you can see the available documents under the tab “meetings”.


Indirect Taxation
Comitology Committees Expert groups Other
  • Standing committee on administrative cooperation in the field of VAT (search by using code C18200)
  • Committee for Mutual Assistance on Recovery of Claims (search by using code C17600)
  • Committee on excise duty (search by using code C39000)

Documents from other groups can be found in the Public Documents Repository.

Comitology register

Direct Taxation
Comitology Committees Expert Groups Other
  • Committee on Administrative Cooperation in Taxation (CACT), including documents relating to proposals in this field. (search by using code C40300)

Comitology register

Comitology Committees Expert groups Other

A large number of Comitology Committees work on Customs related matters.

For example: Drug precursors, the Customs Code, Intellectual Property Rights, Tariffs, Customs Valuation, and more.
Download the full list.

A large number of Expert Groups work on Customs related matters.

For example: on Drug precursors, Cash controls coordination, Cultural Goods, and more.
Download the full list.


Comitology register