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Taxation and Customs Union

Import Control System 2 - Release 3

Economic operators carrying goods by sea, inland waterways, road and rail will have to submit a complete Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) dataset to ICS2. This includes postal and express carriers who transport goods using these modes of transport as well as other parties, such as logistic providers issuing transport documents to their clients, and in certain circumstances also final consignees established in the EU, will have to submit ENS data to ICS2.

Key dates

Information relevant to the three transport modes

  1. From 1 July 2023
    Connectivity testing (mandatory)
  2. From 11 December 2023
    Functional testing (mandatory)
  3. 3 June 2024
    ICS2 Release 3 goes live
  4. 3 June 2024 – 1 September 2025
    Economic operators connect to ICS2 during their dedicated time-limited deployment window

Deployment window by transport mode

Some economic operators may not be ready to start the ENS filing with ICS2 Release 3 on their respective go-live date:  

  • 3 June 2024: maritime and inland waterways carriers 
  • 4 December 2024: maritime and inland waterways house level filers 
  • 1 April 2025: road and rail carriers 

In this case, economic operators are strongly advised to contact the National Service Desk of the EU Member State (National Customs Authority) where their EORI number is registered to request a deployment window at least one month before the go-live date scheduled for their transport mode. The deployment window is not applicable by default (without a request issued by the economic operator). 

Deployment window(s) can be granted to economic operators for the period of time defined in the UCC Work Programme (Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2879) and considering their role(s) in the ICS2 business process and transport mode. Further information about the procedure of granting a deployment window can be found in the “ICS2 Release 3 Go-Live procedure for Economic Operators” document published in CIRCABC.

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How to prepare

To meet their ENS data filing obligations, operators will need to update their IT systems and business process and provide adequate training to their staff.

Additionally, they will have to run the mandatory self-conformance testing before their start of operation. For the detailed procedure, please check the Self-conformance testing Organisation document.

To learn more about the transition from ICS2 Release 2 to Release 3, please click here.

Maritime and inland waterway transportation

eLearning module

This eLearning module provides an overall overview of ICS2 maritime and inland waterways business process from the economic operator perspective. 
It is recommended to also take the other ICS2 eLearning modules on the Customs & Tax EU Learning Portal.

Follow the eLeaning module


Maritime factsheet cover
General publications15 December 2023
ICS2 release 3 Maritime factsheet

The third release of the European Union’s customs pre-arrival safety and security system – Import Control System 2 (ICS2) – goes live on 3 June 2024. ICS2 is an IT system that collects data on all goods entering the EU prior to their arrival. If you’re involved in handling, shipping, or transporting goods (including express and postal consignments) to or through the EU, Northern Ireland, Norway, or Switzerland by sea and inland waterways, you need to be aware of the new ICS2 requirements and take the necessary steps to comply with them. These requirements also concern e-commerce businesses.

  • ICS2 release 3 Maritime factsheet

    Phase 3 des EU-Zollsystems zur Warenvoranmeldung zur Sicherheit und Gefahrenabwehr – Import Control System 2 (ICS2) – geht am 3. Juni 2024 in Betrieb. ICS2 ist ein IT-System, das Daten über alle Waren, die in die EU gelangen, vor ihrer Ankunft sammelt. Wenn Sie mit dem Handel, Versand oder Transport von Waren (einschließlich Express- und Postsendungen) in oder durch die EU, Nordirland, Norwegen oder die Schweiz auf dem See- oder Binnenschiffsweg zu tun haben, müssen Sie die neuen ICS2-Anforderungen kennen und die notwendigen Schritte unternehmen. Diese Anforderungen betreffen auch E-Commerce-Unternehmen.

    (412.06 KB - HTML)
  • ICS2 release 3 Maritime Factsheet

    La troisième phase du système d’information des douanes pour la gestion des risques relatifs à la sûreté et à la sécurité avant l’arrivée sur le territoire de l’Union européenne – Système de contrôle des Importations/ Import Control System 2 (ICS2) – sera mise en service le 3 juin 2024. ICS2 est un système informatique qui recueille des données sur toutes les marchandises qui pénètrent dans l’UE, avant leur arrivée. Si vous avez une activité de manutention, d’expédition ou de transport de marchandises (y compris par envois express ou postaux) vers ou via l’UE, l’Irlande du Nord, la Norvège ou la Suisse par voie maritime et fluviale, vous devez connaître les nouvelles exigences de l’ICS2 et prendre les mesures nécessaires pour les satisfaire. Ces exigences concernent également les entreprises de commerce en ligne.

    (427.74 KB - HTML)

Available in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese, Croatian, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Macedonian,  Russian, Serbian, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

Rail transportation

eLearning module

This eLearning module provides an overall overview of ICS2 rail transportation business process from the economic operator perspective.

Follow the e-learning module


General publications3 June 2024
ICS2 Release 3: prepare your business for sending goods to or via the EU by rail

If you are involved in handling and transporting goods (including postal consignments) to or through the EU, Northern Ireland, Norway, or Switzerland by rail, you will need to comply with the European Union’s customs pre-arrival safety and security system – Import Control System 2 (ICS2) – data reporting requirements from 1 April 2025. These requirements also concern e-commerce businesses. The third release of ICS2 will already be live from 3 June 2024, when all EU Member States should be ready to accept ICS2 filings from all economic operators (first maritime and inland waterways, followed by rail and road).

Available in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese, Croatian, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, MacedonianRussian, Serbian, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

Road transportation

eLearning module

This eLearning module provides an overall overview of ICS2 road transportation business process from the economic operator perspective. 

Follow the e-learning module

Technical preparation for economic operators in maritime and inland waterways, rail and road transportation

General publications15 December 2023
ICS2 release 3 - Technical Factsheet

Under the third release of the European Union’s customs pre-arrival safety and security system – Import Control System 2 – all goods transported on maritime and inland waterways, roads, and railways, to or through the EU, including postal and express consignments, will be subject to new requirements.

  • ICS2 Phase 3 Technische Vorbereitung

    In Phase 3 des Zollsystems der Europäischen Union zur Warenvoranmeldung zur Sicherheit und Gefahrenabwehr – Import Control System 2 (ICS2) – gelten für alle Waren, die auf Seeund Binnenschifffahrtsstraßen, Straßen und Schienen in oder durch die EU transportiert werden, einschließlich Postund Expresssendungen, neue Anforderungen. Betroffene Wirtschaftsbeteiligte müssen Daten für die Sicherheit und Gefahrenabwehr über eine Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) an ICS2 übermitteln und dazu eine Verbindung zum System herstellen. Unternehmen, die Waren über Seeund Binnenschifffahrtsstraßen, Straßen und Schienen transportieren.

    (407.35 KB - HTML)
  • ICS2 phase 3 Préparation technique

    Dans le cadre de la troisième phase du système d’information des douanes pour la gestion des risques relatifs à la sûreté et à la sécurité avant l’arrivée sur le territoire de l’Union européenne – Système de contrôle des Importations/Import Control System 2 – toutes les marchandises transportées par voie maritime et fluviale, route et chemin de fer, vers ou via l’UE, notamment par le biais d’envois postaux et express, devront satisfaire de nouvelles exigences. Les opérateurs économiques (OE) concernés devront soumettre une déclaration sommaire d’entrée électronique (DSE) à ICS2. Pour cela, ils devront se connecter au système.

    (408.44 KB - HTML)

Available in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese, Croatian, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

How does this affect you?

As Declarants, economic operators are legally responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the ENS data. Therefore, you should pay particular attention to certain data requirements in the ENS:

  • the HS commodity code (6 digit) of the goods of a commercial nature (i.e. B2B and B2C): The Combined Nomenclature
  • the EORI of the consignee established in the EU, if such number was assigned to this party. Parties need to make their EORI number available to the ENS declarant. The EORI number can be validated at the following webservice of the EU Commission, in order to be sure that the data is correctEOS What's new (
  • The information about Seller and Buyer (or alternatively owner of the goods in the case consignment does not involve commercial transaction) for goods with the final destination in the European Union.

Adequate descriptions of goods in a plain language and precise enough for the customs authorities to be able to identify the goods, is imperative. Please consult the ‘Unacceptable goods descriptions guidance’ available at Import Control System 2 - Release 1 (

It is thus very important that Declarants ensure that all required information is obtained from their clients.

Furthermore, the data filing can be provided in one complete ENS filing if all necessary data is available to the party that files. Alternatively, it can be done with multiple filings, where more than one partial ENS filing is submitted by different actors in the supply chain.

image of the ICS2, import control system 2 factsheet
General publications5 August 2024
Multiple filing of an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS)

Under the European Union’s pre-arrival safety and security programme, all Economic Operators have to submit detailed safety and security information about the transported goods in the Import Control System 2 (ICS2) through a complete Entry Summary Declaration (ENS). The ENS can be submitted in the format of single or multiple ENS filings.

Available in EnglishFrenchGermanSpanishPortugueseAlbanianArabicBosnianChineseCroatianHindiIndonesianJapaneseKazakhKoreanMacedonianRussianSerbianThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnamese.

The EU customs authorities may reject ENS declarations in the case of lack of complete data or issue risk mitigating referrals in the pre-loading or pre-arrival phase requesting the declarant to provide the necessary data, for example in the case data will not be accurate. Thiswill create delays in processing of the ENS upon the arrival of the consignments and in the entry process, as the risk mitigating referrals must be answered and requested information must be provided before the risk assessment can resume and be completed. Customs can decide to impose administrative sanctions for non-compliance with ENS data requirements.

Legislative documents

The UCC Work Programme 2023 Revision was adopted on 15 December 2023 and is available in the Implementing Decision and its Annex. The package of legal acts is available in the Official Journal at this link.