Specification, development, maintenance and support of customs IT systems (CUST-DEV3)
- Contract Notice (Official Journal S 056-091085)
- Contract notice corrigendum (Official Journal 2013/S 084-140897) (30/04/2013)
Tendering documents:
- Letter of invitation
- Tendering specifications
- Annex I: Questionnaire(19/06/2013),
- Annex IIa: Terms of Reference
- Annex IIb: Technical Annex
- Annex IIc: List of abbreviations and definitions
- Annex IId: List of reference documents(19/04/2013)
- Annex III: Price Table(17/06/2013)
- Annex IV: Guidebook for Tenderers
- Annex V: Bona Fide Statement
- Annex VI: Declaration on confidentiality and no conflict of interest
- Annex VII: Legal Entity Form
- Annex VIII: Financial Identification Form
- Annex IX: Non-disclosure Declaration
- Annex Xa: Model Framework Contract
- Annex Xb: Reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses
- Annex Xc: Model Specific Contract
- Annex Xd: Model Power of Attorney
- Annex XI: Baseline (DVD, upon request)
Questions & Answers:
- Questions & Answers(19/06/2013)
- TAXUD IFP Calculator - application_version(19/04/2013)
- TAXUD Software Development Categories_v1.01(19/04/2013)
- Framework Quality Plan v2(19/04/2013)
- Q26-2-EU_Customs_Reference_Architecture-v1 00-SfA(02/05/2013)
- Q27-3-EU_Customs_Reference_Architecture_v1.00-SfA(02/05/2013)
- Q28-BPM-Part1(02/05/2013)
- Q28-BPM-Part2(02/05/2013)
- Q29-SPEED2(02/05/2013)
- Q34-CSRD2-Technical_Architecture-2.00-EN-SFA(02/05/2013)
- Q42-CUST-DEV3 Annex II.A - Terms Of Reference v1.10(08/05/2013)
- Q57 baseline missing release notes.zip(31/05/2013)
- Q57 history release notes.zip(31/05/2013)
- Q63-How to connect to Tempo(07/06/2013)
Contract Award:
- Contract award notice (Official Journal 2013/S 228-395806)
- Contract award notice (Official Journal 2019/S 248-611338)
- Modification notice (Official Journal 2019/S 248-611354)