Distance selling refers to sales of goods to private persons located in another EU country than the consignor (i.e. business-to-consumer transaction). In the EU, specific rules apply for distance selling of excise goods that have been released for consumption.
The following rules apply for distance selling of excise goods in the EU:
- B2C nature – The transaction must take place between a business and a consumer. The business carries out an independent economic activity and must dispatch or transport the goods to the territory of another EU country. The consumer must be a private person who does not carry out an independent economic activity and is located in another EU country.
- Place of taxation – Taxation takes place in the destination country. Therefore, products released for consumption which are transported to another EU country are subject to excise duties in that EU country.
- Liability of taxation – The consignor is liable to pay excise duties. However, in certain EU countries, the consignor may appoint a tax representative. In that case, the representative is liable for taxation and its related procedures. In addition, certain EU countries may hold the buyer liable to pay excise duties if the consignor fails to do so, or if the consignor has arranged for transportation of the goods on their own.
- Double taxation – To avoid double taxation, the excise duty paid in the EU country where the goods were dispatched from shall be reimbursed, subject to that country’s conditions.
Rules for consignors
Goods must be dispatched and excise duty paid in accordance with the procedures laid down by the EU country of destination. Check the national excise procedures before dispatching goods to private persons located in another EU country.
The consignor must comply with the following requirements:
- Before dispatching the goods, they must register their identity and guarantee payment of excise duty with the competent office in the EU country of destination;
- They must pay the excise duty after the goods have been delivered;
- They must keep accounts of deliveries of excise goods.
Note that distance selling of tobacco products is prohibited in most EU countries. Please check national rules before dispatching tobacco and tobacco-related products to private persons.
Country-specific information
For information on the excise duty rates applicable to different products and/or in different EU countries, please consult the Taxes in Europe Database (TEDB).
For detailed information on the procedures applicable to distance selling in a specific EU country, visit the following national websites:
- Information on distance selling (in Croatian; contains, among others, information for excise representatives in Croatia)
- Information on distance (in English; contains, among others, information on distance selling to Croatia for vendors from other EU Member States)
Denmark (not available)
- Distance selling of products subject to excise duty to Finland. The instruction explains distance selling as referred to in the act on excise duties (Valmisteverotuslaki 182/2010) and what actions the distance seller should take in taxation
Italy (not available)
- Information on excise distance selling to private individuals - consumers in Poland
- Excise rates
- Excise band information system
- Information on excise stamps
- Legal acts:
Portugal (not available)
- Distance selling of alcohol goods to private individuals in Sweden
- Import, entry of goods and distance trading in alcoholic beverages and alcoholic beverage-like preparations
Country | Administration | Address | Phone number |
Austria | Zollamt Österreich Zollstelle Innsbruck | no address available post [dot] za9-atg | + 43 050 233 568 |
Belgium | Algemene Administratie van de Douane en Accijnzen/Administration générale des Douanes et Accises | no address available info [dot] douane | + 32 (0)2 572 57 57 |
Bulgaria | National Customs Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria | ||
Croatia | Ministry of Finance, Customs Administration, Sector for Excise Duties and Special Taxes | Alexandera von Humboldta 4a, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia info [dot] excise | +385 (01) 621 1212 |
Czechia | The Customs Administration of the Czech Republic | no address or email available | not available |
Denmark | not available | no address or email available | not available |
Finland | Finnish Tax Administration | Finnish contact | +358 (0)29 497 154 |
France | Doines & droits indirects | no address or email available | not available |
Germany | German Customs Information Centre | Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm Generalzolldirektion Zentrale Auskunft Postfach 10 07 61 01077 Dresden enquiries [dot] english (5 MB max for e-mail attachments) | +49 228 303-26040 Fax: +49 228 303-97924 |
Greece | Independent authority for public revenue | 180 Peiraios street, 17778 Tayros Athens finexcis | +30 2131410679 |
Hungary | National Customs and Tax Administration Large Taxpayers Tax and Customs Directorate (KAVIG) | Dob utca (street) 75-81, 1077 Budapest kavig | +36 1 461 3300 |
Ireland | Office of the Revenue Commissioners | Collector General's Division, Sarsfield House, Francis Street, Limerick V94 R972 roshelp | +353 1 738 3663 |
Italy | Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli | no email available | not available |
Latvia | State Revenue Service | Talejas iela 1, Riga, Latvia, LV-1978 vid | +371 67120000 |
Luxembourg | Servicedesk eDouane | 22 rue de Bitbourg, L-1273 Luxembourg, Luxembourg servicedesk | +352 28182000 |
Netherlands | Central Excise Unit (CUA) | no address available cua | not available |
Poland | Ministry of Finance Department of Excise Duty and Other Public Levies | no address available | not available |
Portugal | not available | no address or email available | not available |
Romania | Fiscal Authority/Customs Authority | no address available | +40 31 403 91 60 |
Slovakia | Financial Administration of the Slovak republic | Lazovná 63, 974 01 Banská Bystrica | +421 (48) 4317 222 |
Slovenia | Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia | General Financial Office 1000 Ljubljana no email available | not available |
Spain | not available | noa ddress or email available | not available |
Sweden | Skatteverket / Swedish Tax Agency | SE 205 30 MALMÖ skatteverket | +46 8 564 851 60 |
Legal texts
Council Directive (EU) 2020/262 laying down the general arrangements for excise duty