EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum held its eleventh meeting on 16 and 17 March 2005 - European Commission Skip to main content
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EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum held its eleventh meeting on 16 and 17 March 2005

The agenda of the meeting was as follows:

  1. Adoption of the agenda
  2. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 14 December 2004 (doc.JTPF/002/2005/EN)
  3. Discussion and adoption of the draft report on the Forum's activities in the field of documentation requirements
  4. Discussion and adoption of the draft report on the follow-up of the re-entry into force of the Arbitration Convention
  5. Discussion of the Secretariat's discussion paper on alternative dispute avoidance and resolution procedures (doc.JTPF/003/2005/EN)
  6. Any other business