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Taxation and Customs Union

Proof of Union Status system (PoUS)

The main objective of the Proof of Union Status (PoUS) system is to replace the paper procedure of T2L/T2LF and shipping company’s manifest used to prove Union status of goods with electronic means. 

The system will make the T2L/T2LF and Customs Goods Manifest (CGM) data available to use when goods having Union status are moved between EU Member States (MS) while leaving the EU customs territory temporarily. 

For this purpose, the European Commission has designed an EU centralized PoUS system. It is a trans-European system (TES) that ensures the administrative and standardized exchange of information between Economic Operators (EO) and customs authorities, and between customs authorities themselves involved during the customs procedures of establishing the proof of Union status. 

As an alternative to only using the central system, EU MS can develop their own national PoUS systems which are connected to the repository of the central system. This hybrid solution allows the users of the MS developing their own PoUS solution to access the PoUS service in the context of the national Customs online services. The connection to the central PoUS system ensures that all national proof data are also available centrally to all other EU MS. More information about the national systems can be found on the website of the respective national customs authority. There are two MS which developed their national systems: Spain and Poland. 

The central PoUS system has two main components which are the PoUS Specific Trader Portal (PoUS STP) - accessible through the EU Customs Trader Portal (EUCTP) - and the PoUS customs application called Back Office (PoUS BO) with the Central Repository (CR). 

How the PoUS system works 

Economic operators, their customs representatives and employees will have a single access point – the EU Customs Trader Portal – to access the different trans-European systems and more specifically their specific business domains, such as the PoUS Specific Trader Portal (STP). Users requesting proofs in Spain and Poland will access the national portal (or use other means provided by that MS).  

Access to the EU Customs Trader Portal is managed through the Uniform User Management and Digital Signature system (UUM&DS), which is the identity and access management platform to secure authorized access to the EU Customs electronic systems for Economic Operators, customs representatives, and employees. 

The economic operators will need a valid EORI number and appropriate roles assigned to access the system. 

Once authenticated in the EUCTP, the economic operator can manage his/her requests for proof in the PoUS STP module, and interact with the system and customs authorities via the notifications. 

The customs officers will interact using the PoUS BO for handling the requests for proof and the presentation notifications. 

What type of proofs are supported in the new PoUS and as of when 

The Phase 1 of the PoUS system implements the T2L and T2LF data. The deployment date is 01.03.2024. 

As of this date, the Member States and the economic operators must use the new PoUS. 

The Phase 2 will implement the Customs Goods Manifest, and it will be deployed on 15.08.2025. 

Related systems 

To access the system, the Economic Operator will need a valid EORI number. He/she will also need the credentials to be authenticated in the UUM&DS system. 

The Authorized Issuer of proofs needs a valid ACP authorization. The Customs Decisions Management System is a system to manage authorizations. The PoUS system connects to the Customs Reference System – which includes the decisions from the CDMS system – and queries it to validate the authorization. Please refer to the Customs Decisions webpage for more information about the authorizations. 

MS can connect their Risk Analysis system to streamline the PoUS process. 

MS also can connect one of their national systems (e.g. Presentation Notification system) to simplify the customs processes for the Economic Operator. 

In Phase 2 the interconnection between the PoUS system and the European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe) is envisaged. The National Single Windows (NSW) of the EMSWe will exchange information with the PoUS system for endorsement/registration and presentation purposes. 

Technical matters

10 JUNE 2024
Known issues in PoUS

Relevant background material 

Online addresses to the system:

More information

17 MAY 2024
PoUS Member States National Service Desk Contact Information
19 JUNE 2024
Readiness of traders in MS Summary Table