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Taxation and Customs Union

EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum: meeting of 25 June 2015

  1. Welcome by the Commission Services to the new Forum members/the Chair and Information by the Commission Services on current on going issues
  2. Introduction by the Chair
  3. Adoption of the Agenda (doc. JTPF/006/2015/EN)
  4. Documents adopted under written procedure
    March 2015 Summary Record (Add link doc. JTPF/004/2015/EN )
  5. Discussion on the future JTPF programme of work, including presentations by Members

    Draft programme of work (doc. JTPF/005/2015/EN) including presentations by

    Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co KG,

    Grant Thornton Société d’Avocats,

    NERA Economic Consulting

    and United Kingdom

  6. Adoption of Rules of Procedure of the JTPF (doc JTPF/007/2015/EN)
  7. Statistics:

    (i) Statistics MAPs under the Arbitration Convention for 2014 (doc. JTPF/008/2014 not yet available)

    (ii) Statistics on APAs for 2014 (JTPF/009/2015/EN not yet available)

  8. Any other business

Next meeting: 22 October 2015 (tbc)

The documents are/will be available on CIRCABC.