EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM) - European Commission
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Taxation and Customs Union

EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM)

What is it?

The EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM) is the model for:

  • trans-European customs systems such as NCTS, AES, ICS
  • national customs clearance systems in the EU.

It is a technical instrument that:

  • models the data requirements laid down by EU customs legislation
  • presents a single, authoritative source of information for national customs authorities wanting to make technical developments to their own IT systems

The data requirements in EUCDM are defined in the UCC DA (Commission Delegated Regulation No. 2015/2446), their formats and codes in the UCC-IA (Commission Implementing Regulation No. 2015/2447).

The data requirements for applications and decisions are defined in Annex A to these legal acts, those for declarations and notifications are laid down in Annex B and those for the registration of economic operators and other persons can be found in Annex 12-01.

EUCDM contains the legal provisions of

  • Annex A of UCC DA and UCC IA
  • Annex B of UCC DA and UCC IA
  • Annex C of UCC DA and UCC IA
  • Annex D of UCC DA
  • EORI dataset (Annex 12-01 of UCC DA and UCC IA)
  • SURV datasets (Annex 21-01, Annex 21-02 and Annex 21-03 of UCC IA)
  • EEZ dataset (as already published in EUCDM 6.0)

Compatibility with WCO (World Customs Organization)

The EUCDM also maps these data requirements against the WCO Data Model, to:

  • show the EU model is fully compatible wth the WCO model
  • link the EUCDM's data elements with their corresponding data elements in the WCO Data Model, and so identify a clear relationship between customs needs and data from economic operators

Customisable tool

The EUCDM has been designed with the data mapping tool used by the WCO for its Data Model, it can be customised by national customs authorities for their own purposes, in full compliance with EU customs rules. They can also use the EUCDM in any of its publicly-available formats.

The latest version of the European Customs Data Model (EUCDM) is available on the EUCDM website. It is suggested that users get familiar with EUCDM concepts and features first by reading the “Read me” section of the EUCDM website.