Binding origin information (BOI) - European Commission
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Taxation and Customs Union

Binding origin information (BOI)

BOIs are decisions by the customs authorities in one EU country about the origin (preferential or non-preferential) of goods being imported to or exported from the EU.

A BOI decision is binding on the trader who holds it and on all  EU countries’ customs authorities. It is not mandatory to have a BOI decision, the idea is to simplify matters for traders and customs authorities.

It applies only to goods imported or exported after the decision is issued.

Internationally, BOI decisions are referred to as ‘advance rulings on origin’.

Use of a BOI decision

A trader can usually hold (and benefit from) a BOI decision for goods they are trading for up to 3 years (until the BOI expires).

The holder of the BOI decision must prove that the goods in question and the circumstances determining the acquisition of origin correspond in every respect to those described in the BOI decision.

Other requirements

BOI holders are still obliged to present the necessary proof of origin if they want to be granted a preferential duty rate.