Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI) - European Commission
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Taxation and Customs Union

Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI)

What is an EORI number?

EORI stands for “Economic Operators Registration and Identification”.

An EORI number is mandatory for customs clearance in the customs territory of the European Union. That relates to all types of customs operations such as export, import and transit.

EORI uniquely identifies economic operators and other persons. At a certain point in time, a person can be assigned only one valid EORI number. A person must communicate the number to customs authorities in the Member States for customs operations.

By having one common type of identification number across the EU both economic operators and customs authorities benefit from more efficiency in customs clearance, statistical and security purposes.

Who needs an EORI number?

  • Any economic operator with an establishment in the customs territory of the Union needs an EORI number.
  • Economic operators not established in the customs territory of the Union must also register for customs activities. That includes customs declarations, Entry Summary (ENS) and Exit Summary (EXS) declarations, as well as declarations for temporary storage. It is also necessary if they act as a carrier.
  • Persons other than economic operators must register if it is required by national legislation of the Member State or other legal Union provisions, or if they engage in activities for which an EORI number must be provided.

Where can you request an EORI number?

Only one customs authority is competent for assigning an EORI number to an economic operator or another person.

  • Economic operators with an establishment in the customs territory of the Union must register at the national customs authority of the Member State in which they are established.
  • Economic operators with no establishment in the customs territory of the Union shall register for an EORI number in the Member State in which they intend to carry out their first customs operation, i.e. lodge a declaration or apply for a decision.
  • Third-country economic operators with multiple permanent business establishments in the customs territory of the Union may choose to register in any of the Member States in which they have an establishment.

Format of the EORI number

The EORI number consists of:

  • A country code of the issuing Member State (2 letters); followed by
  • An identifier that is unique in the Member State (up to 15 alphanumeric characters)

Invalidation of EORI numbers

EORI numbers do not expire as they are permanently allocated to economic operators and other persons. However, they can be invalidated upon request or if business activities are ceased. After invalidation, the recorded EORI data is kept for a guard delay of ten years.

Checking an EORI number

EORI data is partly accessible through the EORI validation open interface. It can be checked if an EORI number or the name and address of a registered person are valid, provided that publication of information was authorized.

Guidance document

  • 29 MAY 2024
Economic Operators Registration and Identification - Guidance document

EORI eLearning course 

EORI National Implementation