- Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive
- Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation (BEFIT)
- Debt-Equity Bias Reduction Allowance (DEBRA)
- Dispute Resolution Mechanism
- FASTER Initiative
- Head Office Tax System for SMEs (HOT)
- Interest & Royalty Directive
- Merger Directive
- Minimum Corporate Taxation
- Parent-Subsidiary Directive
- Transfer Pricing in the EU
- Unshell Proposal
- Double taxation Conventions
Multi Annual Strategic Plan for Taxation
Information on customs agreements with third countries, the World Customs Organisation, and EU enlargement.
Taxation of savings, inheritance tax, pensions, securities income, cross-border workers and double taxation conventions between Member States
Taxation of the financial sector, Passenger car taxation, contribution on airline tickets, taxes in the Canary Islands and more
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