The Group on the future of VAT (GFV) is a collection of informal Commission expert groups composed of representatives of national tax administrations. They provide the Commission a forum for consulting VAT experts from Member States on pre-legislative initiatives.
In addition, following the Commission Decision to dismantle the EU VAT Forum, the Group on the Future of VAT may also be consulted on practical VAT tax administration issues and good practices.
Until recently, the DG TAXUD managed Working Party No 1, a permanent group, and GFV, a temporary group established in the context of the Green Paper on the future of VAT.
These groups have now been merged into a single permanent expert group, named "Group on the future of VAT (GFV)".
Meeting documents and minutes of these meetings are available on CIRCABC
The EU VAT Forum (dismantled) was a dialogue platform for businesses, academics and national tax authorities to discuss improvements to the implementation of VAT legislation. On 10 November 2022, the EU VAT Forum was discontinued. Its tasks have been taken over by the VEG and GFV. Legacy documents are available on CIRCABC.