On 14 May 2024, the Council reached an agreement on the Faster and Safer Tax Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes (FASTER) Directive. The new rules make withholding tax procedures in the EU more efficient and secure for investors, financial intermediaries and national tax administrations.
This will make withholding tax relief procedures faster and more efficient. For example, investors with a diversified portfolio in the EU will need only one digital tax residence certificate to reclaim several refunds during the same calendar year.
The digital tax residence certificate should be issued within one working day after the submission of a request. At present, most Member States still rely on paper-based procedures.
The ‘relief at source’ and ‘quick refund’ procedures will make the relief process faster and more harmonised across the EU. EU countries will be able to choose which one to use – including a combination of both.
- Under the ‘relief at source’ procedure, the tax rate applied at the time of payment of dividends or interest is directly based on the applicable rules of the double taxation treaty provisions.
- Under the ‘quick refund’ procedure, an initial payment is made taking into account the withholding tax rate of the Member State where the dividends or interest is paid. Refunds of any overpaid taxes are granted within 50 days from the date of payment.
This will allow national tax administrations to check eligibility for the reduced rate and detect potential abuse. Certified financial intermediaries will have to report the payment of dividends or interest to relevant tax administrations so that the latter can trace the transaction.
In particular, large EU financial intermediaries will be required to join a national register of certified financial intermediaries. This register will also be open to non-EU and smaller EU financial intermediaries on a voluntary basis.
Taxpayers investing in the EU through certified financial intermediaries will benefit from fast-track withholding tax procedures and avoid double taxation on dividend payments. The more financial intermediaries register, the easier it will be for tax authorities to process refund requests, regardless of the procedure used.
Why this proposal?
Currently, in the case of cross-border investments, many EU countries levy withholding taxes on dividends on equity holdings and on the interest on bond holdings paid to investors who live abroad. However, investors also have to pay tax on the same income in their country of residence.
According to the International Monetary Fund, securities held by non-domestic investors in the EU in 2019 were worth 10.7 trillion dollars. To avoid double taxation, many countries have agreed to share taxing rights between the source and the residence countries by signing double tax treaties. These treaties may entitle non-resident investors to a lower rate of withholding taxes or to an exemption in the country they are levied.
The problem is that these refund procedures are often lengthy, costly and cumbersome, causing frustration for investors and discouraging cross-border investment within and into the EU.
Withholding tax procedures applied in each Member State are currently very different. Investors have to deal with more than 450 different forms across the EU, most of which are only available in national languages. The Cum/Ex and Cum/Cum scandals have also shown how refund procedures can be abused: tax losses from these practices have been estimated at €150 billion in 2000-2020.
The new tax residence certificate will allow investors to submit their withholding tax refund request digitally, making the reclaim process faster and smoother. Only one tax residence certificate will be needed to reclaim several refunds during a calendar year, thus avoiding the issuance of multiple certificates of residence for investors with diversified portfolios.
Overall, the new withholding tax framework will grant investors access to fast-track procedures, ensuring the tax rights they are entitled to and avoiding double taxation.
European tax authorities lose significant amounts of money every year because of withholding tax abuse.
The new reporting obligations will mean that tax authorities have full visibility of the financial chain to check whether investors are eligible for reduced rates and to ensure that a withholding tax refund is correctly granted, thereby fighting tax abuse.
The digitalisation of the tax residence certificate and the standardisation of reporting obligations and refund requests would allow financial intermediaries to automate their processes, saving time and money. This would speed up the refund process as well as make withholding tax procedures more secure.
According to the proposal, EU countries will require Certified Financial Intermediaries to have adequate procedures in place to ensure taxpayers are eligible for refunds.
Certified Financial Intermediaries will collect the electronic tax residency certificate of the taxpayer or the appropriate proof of residence in a non-EU country and verify this information against their own records. They will also need to collect a statement indicating that the taxpayer is the beneficial owner of the security and that they have not engaged in any financial arrangement that is linked to dividend or interest payment on the underlying securities.
Next steps
Member states will have to transpose the directive into national legislation by 31 December 2028, and national rules will have to become applicable from 1 January 2030.
Documents and legal texts
- Council Directive (EU) 2025/50 of 10 December 2024 on faster and safer relief of excess withholding taxes
- Proposal COM (2023) 324 for a Council Directive on Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes
- Annexes to Proposal COM (2023) 324
- Subsidiarity Grid SWD (2023) 215 accompanying Proposal COM (2023) 324
- Impact Assessment Report SWD (2023) 216 accompanying Proposal COM (2023) 324
- Executive Summary SWD (2023) 217 of the Impact Assessment Report accompanying Proposal COM (2023) 324
- Press release | FASTER initiative on withholding tax to boost cross-border investment and help fight tax fraud
- Press release | Fair and simple taxation: better withholding tax procedures will boost cross-border investment and help fight tax abuse