Minimum Corporate Taxation brings greater fairness and stability to the tax landscape in the EU and globally, while making it more modern and better adapted to today's globalised, digital world. The rules, unanimously agreed by EU countries in 2022, formalise the EU's implementation of the so-called ‘Pillar 2' rules agreed as part of the global deal on international tax reform in 2021.
The Directive was approved by the Council on 14 December 2022, it was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 22 December 2022 entering into force the following day. Member States should have transposed the provisions of the Directive to national law by 31 December 2023 applying those measures in respect of the fiscal years starting in January 2024.
Minimum corporate taxation is one of the two work streams agreed by members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)/G20 Inclusive Framework, a forum of over 140 countries and jurisdictions who worked on the Two-Pillar Solution to address the tax challenges of the digital economy.
They worked on a global consensus-based solution to reform the international corporate tax framework, which culminated in a global agreement in October 2021. The discussions focused on two broad topics: Pillar 1, dealing with the partial re-allocation of taxing rights, and Pillar 2, dealing with the minimum level of taxation of profits of multinational enterprises.
As pledged, the EU has implemented Pillar 2 of the global agreement per 2024, making global minimum effective corporate taxation a reality for large group companies located in the EU.
The rules will apply to any large group, both domestic and international, with combined financial revenues of more than €750 million a year, that has presence in an EU Member State.
In line with the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework agreement, government entities, international or non-profit organisations, pension funds or investment funds that are parent entities of a multinational group will not fall within the scope of the Directive on Pillar 2.
The effective tax rate is calculated per jurisdiction by dividing covered taxes paid by the entities in the jurisdiction by their qualifying income. If the effective tax rate for the entities in a particular jurisdiction is below the 15% minimum, then the Pillar 2 rules are triggered and the group must pay a top-up tax to bring its rate up to 15%.
This top-up tax can be changed through the ‘Income Inclusion Rule’ (IIR), the Undertaxed Profits Rule (UTPR) or a qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT). This comprehensive mechanism ensures that this top-up tax applies irrespective of whether all constituent entities are located in a country that is implementing the international OECD/G20 agreement.
In line with the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework agreement, the calculations will normally be made by the ultimate parent entity of the group unless the group designates another entity of the group.
If the global minimum tax is not imposed by a low-taxed non-EU country where a group entity is based, Member States where the group is located will apply the ‘Income Inclusion Rule’ (IIR), the Undertaxed Profits Rule (UTPR).
The amount of top-up tax that a Member State will collect from the entities of the group in its territory via the IIR is determined based on the domestic entities’ ownership percentage in the foreign low-taxed group entity. The amount of top-up tax that a Member State will collect from the entities of the group in its territory via the UTPR is determined via a formula based on employees and assets.
The rules provide for an exclusion of minimal amounts of income to reduce the compliance burden. This means that when the revenues and profits in a jurisdiction are under a certain minimum amount, then no top-up tax will be charged on the profits of the group earned in this jurisdiction, even when the effective tax rate is below 15%. This is known as the de minimis exclusion.
Moreover, companies will be able to exclude from the top-up tax’s calculations an amount of income that is at least 5% of the value of tangible assets and 5% of payroll. This is called a ‘substance carve-out’ (the substance-based income exclusion).
The policy rationale for a substance carve-out is to exclude a fixed amount of income relating to substantive presence and activities like buildings and people. This is a common aspect of corporate tax policies worldwide, that seeks to encourage investment in economic substance by multinational enterprises in a particular jurisdiction. This exclusion allows to target the so-called excess profits, such as those related to intangible assets, which are more susceptible to tax planning.
The agreement excludes from the scope certain income earned in international shipping, as this particular industry is normally subject to alternative tax regimes. The widespread availability of these alternative tax regimes means that international shipping often operates outside the scope of corporate income tax.
Safe harbours that are agreed by the Inclusive Framework are to be applied by EU countries provided that certain requirements are met. The agreed safe harbours provide for calculation simplifications compared to the general Pillar 2 rules and generally reduce the QDMTT, IIR, UTPR or all of the aforementioned top-up taxes, with respect to a jurisdiction, to zero.
For more information
For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions on the 'Pillar 2' Directive.
These FAQs on the ‘Pillar 2’ Directive represent the outcome of informal reflections of the Commission Services and should, as such, not be interpreted as binding on the European Commission and its Member States.
Documents and legal texts
- Council Directive (EU) 2022/2523 on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation for multinational enterprise groups and large-scale domestic groups in the Union
- Council and Commission Statements of 9 November 2023 on the two-pillar solution to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy
- Commission Notice (C/2023/1536) – Election to delay application of the IIR and UTPR under Article 50 of the Pillar Two Directive
- Consent letter of 22 March 2023 from Cyprus authorities on the qualifying international agreements referred to under art. 32
- Consent letter of 23 October 2023 from Cyprus authorities on the qualifying international agreements referred to under art. 32