Antonio de Lecea is Affiliated Professor of global economic governance at the Barcelona Institute for International Studies and External Associate Professor at the Basque Country University, as well as strategy and policy consultant. Earlier, he served as European Union Economic Deputy Ambassador to the USA and, at the European Commission, as Economic Advisor to the President, and as senior manager in the areas of Economic Policy, International Economic Relations, EU Budget Revenue, and Budget Control and Audit. He coordinated European Members’ positions at the G7, G8, G20, and international financial institutions, during the Global Financial Crisis, as well as EU’s public economic diplomacy in the US during the Euro area Sovereign Debt Crisis, and steered policy and organizational reforms towards efficient, inclusive, and sustainable growth. He has also served as Associate Professor at the Basque Country University, Visiting Senior Fellow at the LKY School of Public Policy of the NUS in Singapore, Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Geoeconomics Center, and guest lecturer at several top universities in the US and Asia. He holds a Ph.D. in Mathematical Economics from Louvain Catholic University, and a Degree in Economics from Barcelona Autonomous University. He is the co-author, with Yann Coatanlem, of Le Capitalisme contre les inégalités, Presses Universitaires de France, 2021 that has been awarded the 2021 Prix Louis Marin of the French Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and the 2022 Prix Turgot.