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Taxation and Customs Union
Conferences and summits

Fair Taxation Seminars 2018

Fair taxation is central to the European Union's social and economic model.

Taxation plays a crucial role in upholding a strong and sustainable economy, a thriving business environment and a just social model. However, tax avoidance and abuse undermine the social contract between citizens and their governments, as well as pose a threat to fair competition.

To foster active knowledge exchange to tackle tax abuse and avoidance, the European Commission is organising 5 seminars in Latvia, Austria, France, Ireland and Italy over the course of 2018.

These seminars aim to bring together national policy-makers, civil society organizations, academics and business representatives, as well as members of the European institutions.

  • tax system
  • Thursday 19 April 2018, 08:30 - Wednesday 26 September 2018, 17:30 (CEST)



8 APRIL 2021
Fair Taxation Seminars 2018 - Summary leaflet
8 APRIL 2021
A Fair Share, taxation in the EU for the 21st century - Information leaflet

Practical information

Thursday 19 April 2018, 08:30 - Wednesday 26 September 2018, 17:30 (CEST)
