EU-Canada Customs Cooperation - European Commission Skip to main content
Taxation and Customs Union

EU-Canada Customs Cooperation



Once in force, Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada will offer firms more business opportunities in Canada and support job creation in Europe.

Attention! To benefit from preferential tariff treatment under CETA, you will have to complete these few simple steps:

  1. Apply for a Registered Exporter (REX) number by completing this form.
  2. Send the completed form to your national Customs Office.
    (Check with your national customs authorities for the possibility of on-line registration) - For France, online registration only, on SOPRANO-REX in the portal Prodouane (
    You will then receive a REX number to indicate on the origin declaration to be provided on the commercial document that describes the product
  3. The originating product will then benefit from CETA in Canada on the basis of the origin declaration

EU-Canada Trade

In 2015 Canada was the EU's 12th most important trading partner, accounting for 1.8% of the EU's total external trade. The EU was Canada's second most important trading partner, after the U.S., with around 9.5% of Canada's total external trade in goods in 2015.

EU-Canada Customs Cooperation

EU-Canada customs cooperation is based on the Agreement on customs cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters which was signed in Ottawa on 14 December 1997 and entered into force on 1 January 1998.

The agreement provides the legal framework for customs cooperation and mutual assistance and established the Joint Customs Co-operation Committee (JCCC), consisting of representatives of the parties' customs authorities and representatives from the European Commission.

Supply Chain Security Agreement

In 2013, the Customs Cooperation with Canada was expanded by way of a new agreement which provides the legal framework for closer cooperation on supply chain security and related risk management.

Joint Customs Cooperation Committee (JCCC)

The JCCC is responsible for overseeing the implementation and ensuring the proper functioning of both agreements and is empowered to adopt decisions to implement it.

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