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Taxation and Customs Union

EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum: meeting of 8 March 2018

  1. Introduction by the Chair
  2. Adoption of the Agenda (doc. JTPF/001/2018/EN)
  3. Information by the Commission Services on current ongoing issues
  4. Statistics on Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP) under the EU Arbitration Convention and APAs in the EU for 2016 (doc. JTPF/002a and b/2018/EN)
  5. Call for Statistics on Mutual Agreement Procedures under the EU Arbitration Convention and APAs in the EU for 2017; reference to the impact of DAC 3
  6. Approach to Transfer Pricing Audits within the EU (doc. JTPF/003a + b/2018/EN)
  7. The Transactional Profit Split Method – new guidance and scope of future work of the JTPF (doc. JTPF/004/2018/EN)
  8. Any other business


Summary Record of meeting of 8 March 2018

Next meeting: 26 June 2018 (tbc)