- Adoption of the Agenda (doc. JTPF/006/2014/EN )
Documents adopted under written procedure
March 2014 Summary record (doc JTPF/003/2014/EN )
- Information by the Commission on current ongoing issues
Arbitration Convention
Draft report on improving the functioning of the Arbitration Convention (doc. JTPF/004/2014/EN )
Background documents:
Compilation of comments received on some aspects of improving the functioning of the Arbitration Convention (doc. JTPF/005/REV1/2014/EN )
Revised discussion paper on the improvement of the functioning of the Arbitration Convention (doc. JTPF/011/REV2/2013/EN )
Statistics on Pending Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAPs) under the Arbitration Convention and on APAs at the end of 2013 will be published at a later stage.
Any other business:
Next meeting: 24 October 2014 (tbc.)