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Taxation and Customs Union

EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum: meeting of 23th October 2007

The agenda of the meeting was as follows:

  1. Adoption of the agenda (doc. JTPF/017/REV1/2007/EN/FR/DE )
  2. Adoption of the draft rules of procedure (doc. JTPF/003/Rev1/2007/EN ) .
  3. Presentation and discussion of the document from the sub-group on triangular cases. (doc.JTPF/019/BACK/2007/EN)
  4. Discussion paper on interest charges in the context of MAP (doc. JTPF/016/2007/EN). See also for factual information background document (doc. JTPF/008/2003/EN).
  5. Issues related to the Arbitration Convention: 
    5.1 2007 table on the number of pending cases under the Arbitration Convention which were reported as of 31/12/2006 (doc. JTPF/005/BACK/2007/EN - Version of 28th June). For information. 
    5.2 List of independent persons of standing eligible to become a member of the advisory commission (doc. JTPF/010/BACK/REV8/2005/EN ): lists from new Member States and availability of CVs. Discussion on criteria to be applied to consider a person of standing to an advisory commission as independent. See Dutch contribution (doc. JTPF/015/BACK/2007/EN ). 
    5.3 Discussion of the Secretariat table on serious penalties (doc. JTPF/007/REV1/2007/BACK/2007 Version of 8th October). 
    5.4 Discussion of the answers provided on Thin capitalization questionnaire (doc. JTPF/018/2007/EN version of 15th October and doc. JTPF/012/2007/EN ). 
    5.5 Problems related to the interaction between MAP and judicial appeals (doc. JTPF/010/BACK/2003/EN). Update of Doc.JTPF/008/2003/EN on the application of Art.7(3) of the AC. 
    5.6 Report from the Member States on the implementation of the Code of Conduct for the effective implementation of the Arbitration Convention. Background documents: doc. JTPF/006/BACK/REV5/2006 (implementation of the Code of Conduct on the Arbitration Convention and the suspension of tax collection) and doc. JTPF/005/BACK/REV2/2006/EN (state of play of the ratification process of the accession convention to the AC). For information only at this stage. 
    5.7 Business contribution on the interpretation of the AC provisions (Doc. JTPF/021/BACK/2007/EN ).
  6. Draft 2007 APA table on the availability of an APA procedure (doc. JTPF/006/REV1/2007/EN Version of 10/10)
  7. Oral report from the new business members on the feed-back received on the implementation of JTPF achievements (Codes of conduct and Guidelines). See contributions from BusinessEurope, Baker&Mckenzie, Deloitte, Eduardo Gracia, Grant Thornton, KPMG and Maisto. See also Business conclusions (doc. JTPF/020/BACK/2007/EN )
  8. Discussion on centralized intra-group services (doc. JTPF/014/REV1/BACK/2007/EN and doc. JTPF/022/BACK/2007/EN ).
  9. Any other business:
    9.1 2008 meetings are scheduled on 21/02/08, 05/06/08 and 27/11/08
    9.2 Documents adopted under written procedure (summary record June 2007 meeting , work programme and summary report on penalties ).
    9.3 Monitoring of the work programme