- Adoption of the Agenda (doc. JTPF/012/2015/REV2/EN)
- Documents adopted under written procedure
June 2015 Summary Record (doc. JTPF/010/2015/EN)
JTPF Programme of Work 2015 – 2019 (doc. JTPF/005/FINAL/2015/EN) - Information by the Commission on current ongoing issues
- Comparables in the EU
Discussion paper on scoping the work on comparables in the EU
(doc JTPF/015/2015/EN) - Economic Valuation Techniques in the EU
Discussion paper on scoping the work on economic valuation methods in the EU
(doc. JTPF/013/2015/EN) - Statistics
(i) Statistics MAPs under the Arbitration Convention for 2014 (doc. JTPF/008/2015/EN)
(ii) Statistics on APAs for 2014 (doc. JTPF/009/2015/EN) - Joint Audits in the EU
Discussion paper on joint audits for transfer pricing in the EU
(doc. JTPF/014/2015/EN) - State of play on follow up to Action Item 13 of the OECD’s BEPS Action Plan in the EU
Background document: Submission from NGMs on practically implementing Action 13 of the OECD BEPS Action Plan (doc. JTPF/016/2015/EN) - Any other business
Next meeting: 18 February 2016 (tbc) and 23 June 2016 (tbc)