EU Tax Symposium 2025 - European Commission
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Taxation and Customs Union

This year’s edition of the EU Tax Symposium took place on 18 March in the Hemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels. Under the theme of "Strengthening competitiveness and fairness to build prosperity”, the event brought together finance ministers, Members of the European Parliament and National Parliaments, policymakers, academics and civil society to discuss the future of tax systems in the EU.


Opening Speeches on tax priorities for the new Commission 

Panel 1: Challenges for a fair contribution of ultra-high-net-worth individuals

Panel 2: EU sustainable competitiveness: What taxation can or cannot do?

Keynote speech on the impact of tax systems to strengthen competitiveness and fairness

Panel 3: European and international corporate tax reform

Panel 4: Artificial intelligence for tax systems


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Monday 17 March 2025

Gala dinner (by invitation)

Tuesday 18 March 2025 

Venue: Hemicycle, European Parliament

  1. 8:00
    Welcome breakfast and registration
  2. 9:00
    Welcome and introduction by Master of Ceremony
  3. 9:10
    Opening speeches
    • Esteban González Pons - Member of the European Parliament & Vice-President in charge of National Parliaments
    • Pasquale Tridico -Member of the European Parliament & Chair of the Subcommittee on Tax Matters
  4. 9:25
    Keynote speech on tax priorities for the new Commission
    • Wopke Hoekstra - European Commissioner for Climate, Net Zero, Clean Growth and Taxation
  5. 9:40
    Video message by Andrzej Domański, Minister of Finance, Poland
  6. 9:45
    Panel 1

    Challenges for a fair contribution of ultra-high-net-worth individuals

    • Amélie de Montchalin - Minister Delegate for the Budget and Public Accounts, France
    • Tjebbe van Oostenbruggen, Minister for Tax Affairs, the Tax Administration and Customs, the Netherlands 
    • Michalis Hadjipantela, MEP, Subcommittee on Tax Matters 
    • Esther Lynch - General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
    • Gabriel Zucman - Professor of Economics, Paris School of Economics and UC Berkeley; Director, EU Tax Observatory

    Moderator: Céline Gauer - Director-General, Reform and Investment Task Force, European Commission

  7. 11:00
    Networking coffee break
  8. 11:30
    Panel 2

    EU sustainable competitiveness: What taxation can or cannot do? 

    • Carlos Cuerpo Caballero - Minister of Economy, Trade and Business, Spain
    • Bruno Gonçalves - Member of the European Parliament & Subcommittee on Tax Matters
    • Maria Antonia Azpeitia Gamazo - Baker McKenzie, Madrid
    • Lucio Vinhas de Souza - Director of the Economics Department and Chief Economist of Business Europe

      Moderator: Gerassimos Thomas - Director-General for Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission
  9. 12:45
    Lunch break
  10. 14:15
    Keynote speech on the impact of tax systems to strengthen competitiveness and fairness
    • Mathias Cormann - Secretary-General of the OECD
  11. 14:30
    Panel 3

    European and international corporate tax reform: What are the next steps?

    • Vitor Gaspar - Director of the Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF
    • Tommaso Faccio - Head of Secretariat of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT)
    • Liselott Kana - Co-Chair of the UN Committee of Experts on International Tax Cooperation in Tax Matters
    • Roberta Poza Cid - EU Tax Policy Leader, Partner Deloitte, Spain

    Moderator: Susana Ruiz - Oxfam International’s Tax Policy Lead

  12. 15:55
    Networking coffee break
  13. 16:25
    Panel 4

    Artificial intelligence for tax systems: Challenges, opportunities, and risks

    • Ferenc Vágujhelyi - Commissioner, National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary
    • Chloe Fox - Tax Director, PwC 
    • Daniel Waldenström - Professor of Economics Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
    • Gemma Galdón-Clavell - Founder and CEO, Eticas Consulting 
    • Vikram Chand - Professor, University of Lausanne 

    Moderator: Rebecca Christie, Bruegel Senior Fellow

  14. 17:50
    • Pasquale Tridico - Member of the European Parliament & Chair of the Subcommittee on Tax Matters
    • Gerassimos Thomas - Director-General for Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission
  15. 18:00
    Networking cocktail

Download programme

Download the PDF version of the program.

  • General publications
  • 12 March 2025
EU Tax Symposium 2025 - Programme (PDF)

Practical information


The event will take place in the Hemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels. 

60 Rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 

B-1047 - Bruxelles/Brussels


English with interpretation into 23 EU languages.