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Taxation and Customs Union

Radiation and Nuclear Detection – eLearning Programme

Content of the programme

This eLearning Programme aims to help customs officers to learn about the radioactive and nuclear control at the border (land, airport and seaport). The basic modules introduces them in the radioactive and nuclear materials, process, equipment, and raise awareness of the possible risks and threats and their role in detection. After that, the advanced module gives more details regarding the process and equipment to more experienced officers. We recommend integrating the courses in your own training programme and developing a full blended learning programme.

Who is this programme for?

Customs officers of national administrations.

How was the programme developed?

The content of this programme has been developed by the European Commission’s department for Taxation and Customs Union, with the support of a project team of national experts, under the Customs 2020 Programme, and a team from the European Nuclear Security Training Centre (EUSECTRA).

How to obtain the courses?

As it contains sensitive information, the programme can only be accessed by customs officers from national administrations.

Customs officials are requested to contact the training officer in their own administration.

Available modules

Title Description Duration Available language
Radiation and Nuclear Detection – Basic module

Role of customs officers, types of materials, possible incidents and threats, basic radiation equipment and process.

Read the course leaflet

120 minutes EN
Radiation and Nuclear Detection –Advanced module

Primary and secondary inspections, development of NORM database, radiation equipment.

Read the course leaflet

60 minutes EN