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Taxation and Customs Union
  • News announcement
  • 20 January 2025
  • Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union
  • 1 min read

The full take-off of NCTS-P5 is being achieved!

The European Commission is pleased to announce that the transition to NCTS-P5 is nearing completion. 

Following the successful rollout in Greece (GR) and North Macedonia (MK), the remaining countries namely Andorra (AD), Belgium (BE), Hungary (HU), Malta (MT), Portugal (PT) and San Marino (SM) are set to go live on Tuesday 21/01/2025”. 

Having these countries joining NCTS-P5 will mark the end of the (long) Transitional Period from NCTS-P4 for the Member States, Common Transit Convention (CTC) contracting parties and economic operators. From now on, all transit declarations and related messages will be transmitted through the NCTS-P5 (only the small percentage of legacy open movements will be closed by NCTS-P4 in some few countries). 

All countries and economic operators using NCTS should be now ready for the full take-off of NCTS-Phase 5 (the majority of countries will automatically activate the final ‘Post-Transition’ configuration, while some countries may open the service on Tuesday morning after configuration/deployment). 

The Commission will closely monitor the NCTS operations together with the countries involved and will provide the needed support to ensure the smooth running of the operations.

New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) 





Publication date
20 January 2025
Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union