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Taxation and Customs Union
News article19 June 2020Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union1 min read

Commission welcomes the creation of new subcommittee on tax matters in the European Parliament

The Commission welcomes the European Parliament’s decision to create a permanent subcommittee to deal with the fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance as well as financial transparency for taxation purposes. The European Parliament has been a key actor in the EU’s fight against tax fraud and tax avoidance, in particular by creating special and inquiry committees over the past years.

It is important that this work continues. For the European Commission, fair and effective taxation in the EU and the fight against tax fraud and evasion are key priorities.

Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy, said:

The European Parliament has for many years been an essential partner of the Commission in the fight against tax fraud and tax evasion. I am certain that this new subcommittee will become a key forum to take forward that fight, in the interest of honest citizens and businesses throughout Europe. I look forward to maintaining our excellent collaboration with the European Parliament by continuing to regularly update MEPs on the progress in the EU’s tax agenda, our shared priority.

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Publication date
19 June 2020
Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union