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European Commission hosted the 9th EU-Egypt Subcommittee on Customs Cooperation, welcoming representatives from the Egyptian Customs Authority, the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The European Union's Import Control System 2 (ICS2) aims to enhance the safety and security of goods entering the EU by introducing a standardized pre-arrival customs process for all transportation modes.
The new Guidance on the rules on preferential origin under EU-Chile Interim Trade Agreement (ITA) entering into force on 1 February 2025, is published by DG TAXUD. Consult the dedicated page : Latin America
The European Commission is pleased to announce that the transition to NCTS-P5 is nearing completion.
The EU-Chile Interim Trade Agreement (ITA) will enter into force on 1 February 2025, replacing the previous EU-Chile Association Agreement.
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