1. Adoption of the agenda (doc. JTPF/17/2010/EN )
2. Update by the Commission Services on current ongoing issues:
2. (i) State of play of the Communication on JTPF's work 2010
2. (ii) Renewal of the mandate of the JTPF beyond 31 March 2011
2. (iii) Call for application of Business Members
2. (iv) Replies to public consultation
3. Transfer pricing and SMEs:
3. (i) Secretariat discussion document (doc JTPF/13/2010/EN )
4. Cost Contribution Arrangements:
4. (i) Secretariat discussion document (doc JTPF/16/2010/EN )
4. (ii) Business Members' example of a CCA (doc JTPF/14/2010/EN )
5. Future JTPF work program: contributions received:
5. (i) Business Members' contributions (doc JTPF/15/2010/EN ):
– Is the protection of a (EU) taxpayer to double taxation subject to limitation?;
– compensating adjustments and year end adjustments;
– secondary adjustments, a risk of double taxation within the EU .
6. EUTPD monitoring
7. Independent persons list update of documents (doc JTPF/010/BACK/REV13/2005/EN )
8. Any other business:
8. (i) Next meeting date: 10 February 2011.