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Taxation and Customs Union

EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum: meeting of 14 February 2013

  1. Adoption of the Agenda (doc JTPF/001/2013/EN )
  2. Documents adopted under written procedure

    Summary record of the 25 October 2012 meeting (doc JTPF/021/REV1/2012/EN )

    Report on Secondary Adjustments (doc JTPF/017/FINAL/2012/EN )

  3. Information by the Commission on current ongoing issues
  4. Transfer pricing risk management

    Information on the second meeting of the sub-group on risk management

  5. Compensating/year-end adjustments

    5. (i) Supplementary discussion paper on compensating/year-end adjustments (doc JTPF/004/2013/EN )

    5. (ii) Discussion paper on compensating/year-end adjustments (doc JTPF/012/2012/EN)

    5. (iii) Member States' responses to questionnaire on compensating/year-end adjustments (doc JTPF/019/REV1/2011/EN )

    5. (iv) Presentation by PSM (doc JTPF/006/2013/EN )

  6. Monitoring

    6. (i) Discussion paper on improving the functioning of the Arbitration Convention (doc JTPF/002/2013/EN )

    Background information: Belgian contribution on interaction between Art 7 and the Arbitration
    Convention (doc JTPF/006/BACK/2011EN )

    6. (ii) Compilation of proposals for improving the functioning of the Arbitration Convention received from JTPF Members (doc JTPF/020/REV1/2012/EN )

    6. (iii) Background document: TAs' contributions on AC MAP cases taking longer than 2 years (doc JTPF/003/2013/EN )

    6. (iv) AC statistics

  7. Any other business:

    Next meetings in 2013: 6 June and 24 October 2013 (tbc)