Cooperation with other government authorities - European Commission Skip to main content
Taxation and Customs Union

Cooperation with other government authorities

Cooperation with other competent authorities and alignment of programmes have been identified and recognised as a key element for the further development of a robust AEO programme. It is to ensure global supply chain security and to avoid duplication of efforts and costs for authorities and economic operators.

As such it has been incorporated since the beginning at an international level in the WCO SAFE as well as in the EU legislation.

At EU level work has been initiated in a number of areas (e.g. aviation security, maritime, export controls, etc.) with a view to identify synergies and to avoid duplication of administrative burden.

The EU Strategy and Action Plan for customs risk management and in particular the inclusion of a specific objective related to interagency cooperation and information sharing between customs and other authorities had a crucial role in this area.

Besides, there are a number of certificates or authorisations in other policy areas for which the requirements are identical or similar to one or more of the AEO criteria, or directly linked to the AEO status:

Civil aviation - Regulated Agent, Known Consignor, Account Consignor

If a holder of an AEOS applies for the status of a Regulated Agent (RA) or a Known Consignor (KC), the respective security requirements are deemed to be met to the extent that the criteria for issuing the AEO status are identical or correspond to those for RA or KC status. The same principle applies vice versa.
In case of an Account Consignor (AC), holders of an AEOS do not need to sign the declaration of commitments 'account consignor’, and are recognised as AC by the regulated agent, provided that all other requirements established by the Union legislation in the field of aviation security are met.

Approved Economic Operator (APEO)

For economic operators dealing with fishery products and catch certificates it is possible to apply for the status of an APEO. APEO should be eligible to use simplified procedures regarding the import of fishery products into the EU.

For issuing the status of an APEO it is mandatory to have an AEO status as laid down in the relevant regulations. Besides, if the APEO applicant is holder of an AEOS authorisation, the application process is simplified.


Security and safety is gaining in significance and importance for different stakeholders. The AEO status is one of the biggest security initiatives worldwide and attracting increasing attention.

At the same time, certificates and authorisations granted by customs or other government authorities facilitate the authorisation procedures.